Ep 81: Zodiac Business Series – Aries Energy

Aries, you’re up! 🚀 ♈

It’s time for the next installment of the Zodiac Business Series where we look at the challenges and opportunities of each sign in business.  ✨

🔥 Today, we’re igniting the fire with Aries – the zodiac’s trailblazer. 🔥

So far in the Zodiac Business Series, we’ve tackled the ambitious drive of Capricorn, explored Aquarius’ revolutionary ideas, and embraced Pisces’ creative empathy

Now it’s time to turn up the heat with Aries – a sign associated with leadership, courage, and pioneering action.

Listen now to hear about Aries’ traits in business:

Aries marks the start of a new astrological cycle and brings drive and enthusiasm to business.

And this year, Aries season is bringing a flurry of cosmic action to the forefront. 

Mercury retrograde kicks off soon, and we’re also on the cusp of a potent Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8/9. 

So, what’s the secret behind Aries’ business mojo? 

Fueled by Mars, Aries is all about action, initiation, and the courage to lead. 

This sign doesn’t just walk into uncharted territory – it charges ahead, setting the pace for others to follow.

🎧 This episode packs a punch, with insights on:

♈ Aries’ symbolism in astrology and its strengths in driving business success forward.

♈ The ways Aries energy breaks new ground, making it a powerhouse in innovation and leadership.

♈ Strategies to conquer Aries-related business challenges (#impulsivestreak) – turning potential setbacks into comebacks.

No matter your Aries placement – Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Mercury, Venus, or Midheaven – this episode will help you leverage that dynamic energy in your business.

Watch this Aries episode on YouTube here:
YouTube video

Ready to channel the fearless Aries spirit into your business? 

Let’s jump in together. 💃 👉 Book a one-on-one session with me, and we’ll explore personalised strategies to amplify your business success. 


Ep 65: Mars and your best business strategy

Ep 54: Skyrocket Your Public Reputation By Accessing Your Midheaven

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I’m an astrologer, copywriter, and intuitive launch coach who helps online entrepreneurs connect deeply with their soul purpose and innate communication style to create magic in their businesses.

While I have more than 15 years’ experience helping big brands with PR, marketing, and sales copy – I also have a secret weapon...

I tap into the ancient wisdom of astrology to create more powerful, aligned messaging that feels completely in tune with YOU.



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