Ep 98: Leo personality traits that make you a business rockstar

Leo business energy

It’s that show-stopping time of year… So let’s talk about the entrepreneurs who know how to stand out and shine in business – you might even think of them as business rock stars. 👩‍🎤 These are those powerful Leo personality traits at work. Today, in the Zodiac Business Series, we’re diving into the dynamic, charismatic…

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Ep 94: Cancer personality traits that make you a business genius

Cancer personality traits in business

Let’s talk about the business owners who can create warm, inviting, and supportive business environments – with just their presence.  These are those magical Cancer personality traits at work. Today, in the Zodiac Business Series, we’re diving into the nurturing, intuitive traits of Cancer energy. 🎧 Listen now to find out: ♋ The astrological symbolism…

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Ep 89: Gemini traits in business [Zodiac Business Series]

Gemini entrepreneurs

Ever wondered how some entrepreneurs can juggle multiple projects and interests simultaneously? Odds are they’re a Gemini (or have a lot of Gemini energy in their astrology chart). We’re exploring that and much more in this installment of the Zodiac Business Series – where we look at the challenges and opportunities of each sign. ✨…

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Ep 85: Taurus energy in business [Zodiac Business Series]

Taurus energy in business

Ever wondered why Taurus entrepreneurs can stay so calm under pressure? We’re exploring this and many other Taurus business traits in today’s installment of the Zodiac Business Series. This is the series where we look at the challenges and opportunities of each zodiac sign in business.  ✨ 🌻 And today, we’re talking about the steadfast,…

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Ep 81: Zodiac Business Series – Aries Energy

Aries traits in business

Aries, you’re up! 🚀 ♈ It’s time for the next installment of the Zodiac Business Series where we look at the challenges and opportunities of each sign in business.  ✨ 🔥 Today, we’re igniting the fire with Aries – the zodiac’s trailblazer. 🔥 So far in the Zodiac Business Series, we’ve tackled the ambitious drive of…

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Ep 78: Zodiac Business Series – Pisces Energy

Pisces traits in business

It’s time for the next installment of the Zodiac Business Series. ✨🪐 Today we’re diving into the intuitive and imaginative world of Pisces… ♓🐟 This is the third episode of the Zodiac Business Series – where we’re exploring the symbolism of the zodiac to get practical insights for your business.  In episode 1, we decoded…

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Ep 75: Zodiac Business Series – Aquarius energy

Aquarius traits in business

We’ve got a lineup of planets in Aquarius this week. ♒ In fact, by the weekend, we’ll have, the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Pluto all in the sign of the Water Bearer. 🏺 And we just experienced the New Moon in Aquarius, which marked the Lunar New Year. That makes Aquarius energy super potent…

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Ep 74: Zodiac Business Series – Capricorn Energy

Capricorn traits in business

Get ready to dive into the organised, ambition-packed world of Capricorn in this kick-off episode of the Zodiac Business Series. The Zodiac Business Series isn’t about skimming the surface – we’re going into the nitty-gritty of each Zodiac sign’s business energy.  In these episodes, I’ll be breaking down what makes the signs tick in business…

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