Ep 33: Rituals to power up your business planet

Astrology business rituals

If you want to truly amplify your business success and alignment – it’s time to get in touch with your career, business, and public reputation planet… Once you understand how this works, you can give yourself an extra boost when it comes to your marketing, messaging and overall “I’ve got this” vibe in business.  But before…

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Ep 31: Having your best year in business while navigating tricky transits

Navigating tricky business astrology transits with guest Bec Cuzzillo

Let’s talk about what it’s like to have your best year in business while also navigating some pretty tricky astrology transits… Today’s podcast guest is Bec Cuzzillo – a Spiritual Business Coach for spiritual women who want to build abundant, heart-led, sustainable businesses that truly set their souls on fire.  In this juicy conversation, we dive…

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