Ep 94: Cancer personality traits that make you a business genius

Cancer personality traits in business

Let’s talk about the business owners who can create warm, inviting, and supportive business environments – with just their presence.  These are those magical Cancer personality traits at work. Today, in the Zodiac Business Series, we’re diving into the nurturing, intuitive traits of Cancer energy. 🎧 Listen now to find out: ♋ The astrological symbolism…

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Ep 93: Self-care for entrepreneurs via your Moon sign

Self-care for entrepreneurs via your Moon sign

Today, we’re diving into a topic that can make a HUGE difference to your experience in online business – how to practice self-care based on your Moon sign.  Understanding your Moon sign’s unique needs means you can support your emotional well-being and therefore enhance your business success. In this episode, I walk you through some…

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Ep 92: Fall back in love with your business using astrology

Reconnect with your business purpose and fall in love with your business again

Have you fallen out of love with your business? Maybe you’ve been feeling uninspired and “meh” about the whole thing lately… I’ve recorded this episode to help you find the spark again and reconnect with your business purpose via astrology.  🎧 Listen now to find out: 👉 Where to look in your astrology chart for…

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